rcm glossary

Hard coding

Hard coding is the practice of embedding fixed values or logic directly into the source code of a software program, without using variables or external configuration files.

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What is Hard Coding?

Hard coding is a term commonly used in the field of software development and programming. In the context of healthcare revenue cycle management (RCM), hard coding refers to the practice of embedding specific values or data directly into the source code of a software application or system, instead of retrieving them from a separate data source or database.In simpler terms, hard coding involves directly inputting fixed values or information into the code of a program, rather than dynamically retrieving or calculating them during runtime. These hard-coded values are typically used to define constants, default settings, or specific parameters within the software.

Difference between Hard Coding and Soft Coding

To better understand hard coding, it is important to differentiate it from its counterpart, soft coding. Soft coding, also known as dynamic coding or parameterization, is the practice of using variables or configurable settings to store and retrieve values within a software application.Unlike hard coding, soft coding allows for greater flexibility and adaptability as it separates the data or values from the code itself. This means that the values can be easily modified or updated without requiring any changes to the underlying code. Soft coding enables developers to make changes to the behavior or functionality of a program without having to recompile or redeploy the entire application.

In contrast, hard coding can make software applications more rigid and less adaptable to changes. If a value is hard-coded and needs to be modified, it often requires manual intervention and recompilation of the code. This can be time-consuming and error-prone, especially in large-scale applications.

Examples of Hard Coding in Healthcare RCM

To illustrate the concept of hard coding in the context of healthcare revenue cycle management, let's consider a few examples:

1. Fee Schedules: In medical billing and coding, fee schedules are used to determine the reimbursement rates for various healthcare services. Instead of retrieving these fee schedules from a centralized database or configuration file, a software application may have them hard-coded directly into the code. This means that any changes to the fee schedules would require modifying the code itself, potentially leading to delays and errors.

2. Insurance Payer IDs: Healthcare providers often need to submit claims to different insurance companies, each identified by a unique payer ID. If a software application has these payer IDs hard-coded, any changes or additions to the list of insurance companies would require modifying the code. Soft coding, on the other hand, would allow for the dynamic retrieval of payer IDs from a database, making it easier to update or add new insurance companies.

3. Default Settings: Many healthcare RCM software applications have default settings for various parameters, such as claim submission deadlines or billing rules. If these default settings are hard-coded, changing them would necessitate modifying the code. Soft coding, however, would enable users to modify these settings through a user interface or configuration file without touching the underlying code.

Pros and Cons of Hard Coding

While hard coding may seem convenient in certain situations, it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let's explore some of the pros and cons of hard coding in healthcare revenue cycle management:


1. Simplicity: Hard coding can be simpler and quicker to implement, especially for small-scale applications or when dealing with fixed values that rarely change.

2. Performance: Since hard-coded values are directly embedded in the code, they can be accessed and utilized more efficiently during runtime, potentially improving the performance of the software application.3. Security: Hard coding sensitive information, such as encryption keys or access credentials, can provide an additional layer of security by reducing the risk of unauthorized access to these values.


1. Lack of Flexibility: Hard coding can make software applications less flexible and adaptable to changes. Modifying hard-coded values often requires manual intervention and recompilation of the code, leading to potential delays and errors.

2. Maintenance Challenges: When hard-coded values need to be updated or modified, it can be time-consuming and error-prone, especially in large-scale applications. This can increase the maintenance efforts and costs associated with the software.

3. Limited Configurability: Hard coding restricts the ability to configure or customize certain aspects of the software application without modifying the code. This can limit the options available to users and administrators.

Best Practices for Avoiding Excessive Hard Coding

To mitigate the potential drawbacks of hard coding, it is advisable to follow certain best practices when developing healthcare RCM software applications:

1. Parameterization: Whenever possible, use soft coding techniques to parameterize values that are subject to change. This allows for greater flexibility and easier maintenance of the software application.

2. Configuration Files: Store configurable values in external configuration files rather than hard coding them directly into the code. This enables easy modification of settings without requiring code changes.

3. Centralized Data Sources: Retrieve data from centralized databases or data sources instead of hard coding them. This ensures that data can be updated or modified independently of the code.

4. Modular Design: Adopt a modular design approach that separates the business logic from the configuration settings. This allows for easier maintenance and updates without impacting the core functionality of the software.5. Version Control: Utilize version control systems to track and manage changes to the codebase. This helps in maintaining a history of modifications and facilitates collaboration among developers.

By following these best practices, healthcare RCM software developers can minimize the reliance on hard coding and create more flexible, maintainable, and adaptable applications.

In conclusion, hard coding refers to the practice of embedding fixed values or data directly into the source code of a software application. While it may offer simplicity and performance benefits, it can limit flexibility and increase maintenance efforts. By understanding the differences between hard coding and soft coding, healthcare RCM professionals can make informed decisions when developing or evaluating software applications.

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