Automate Eligibility Checks

How does your denial rate compare to the U.S. average of 12%? Fix the leading cause of denials by automating eligibility checks. See how here.

U.S. healthcare providers’ claims denial rates hit 12% in 2022, and lack of eligibility is a top reason payers deny provider claims. Having staff check payer portals one by one isn’t sufficient to consistently and accurately determine eligibility.

Clarity Flow amplifies the efficiency of your existing eligibility staff by:

• automatically checking coverage when a visit is scheduled

• automatically rechecking coverage as a visit approaches to ensure the patient has not lost or changed coverage

• identifying inactive coverage for review via an exceptions-based workflow

• notifying patients of their coverage before service 

Submit clean claims the first time and avoid back-end denials  

A 5% denial rate indicates that your eligibility verification process is working efficiently. But many providers aren’t even close. 

Get there when Clarity Flow accurately verifies every patient your physicians see. Submit patient information to insurance providers and gain access to insurance details, including coverage, copay, coinsurance, and coverage dates. Quick information retrieval gets you full reimbursement and keeps patients moving toward their care. 

Speed your processes 

Free front-end staff from time-consuming, tedious manual research into payers and benefits.  

Automated eligibility verification produces an average time savings of 14 minutes per transaction for medical practices. With benefits verified, back-end processes improve too. Your team escapes time-consuming denials by getting the patient’s benefits right from the start.

Clarity Flow eligibility verification streamlines your workflow and reduces repetitive tasks, reducing manual rekeying and data checks. With eligibility established automatically, you don’t need new hires. 

Improve patient satisfaction

Patients want efficient service and a complete run-down of their financial responsibilities for their medical services before they receive those services. 

Clarity Flow provides this critical financial detail. More, once the solution determines eligibility, it creates a patient estimate (letter, email, and/or text) that not only breaks down costs but shares information about possible payment plans and even financial assistance (if the provider chooses).

The faster patient eligibility is verified, the faster the patient gets into your offices or insurance issues get worked out. Quick access to care helps ensure patients don’t drop off before they can get the care they need.

Automate Eligibility Checks with Clarity Flow

Submit clean claims the first time and recoup more revenue.
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A more effective way to increase our overall collection percentage... the team's enthusiasm for tackling this was day and night over other vendors.
- Director of Finance
MD Clarity provides quality driven outcomes and high-level professional support.
- Senior Director of Managed Care
Great product, responsive support, easy to work with!
- Director of Business Services
MD Clarity was the only software that we found on the market that could provide the level of accuracy we were looking for.
- Head of Patient Accounts

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