Comply with Good Faith Estimate Requirements

Comply with the No Surprises Act's Good Faith Estimate requirements. Click through this interactive walkthrough to see how you can serve self-pay and uninsured patients while adhering to transparency rules.

Since 2022, the No Surprises Act has required providers to give self-pay patients Good Faith Estimates before providing services. MD Clarity’s Clarity Flow ensures you get accurate, timely GFEs to the right patients from the start so that you comply with this legislation while avoiding penalties and patient frustration. 

Make sure all qualified patients receive their GFEs

The law states it’s up to you to determine existing coverage and notify patients of their payment responsibilities.

Getting this important task done manually, however, doesn’t work in today’s fast-paced, short-staffed provider organization.

With Clarity Flow, you get an accurate GFE completed without any clicks or other manual involvement from staff. Quick turnaround frees your staff to complete more high-value tasks, which increases patient satisfaction and, of course, keeps you compliant. 

Get accurate GFEs to the right patient at the right time

Missing a GFE delivery deadline can lead to a non-compliance charge and even potential civil monetary penalties.  

You must present self-pay or uninsured patients with a GFE before any services are rendered. You must also abide by GFE delivery timelines which are based on the number of days between scheduling and appointment dates. If one falls through the cracks of your staff’s overloaded desk, you are non-compliant. 

MD Clarity mitigates that risk by keeping track of the different timeline scenarios and sending estimates in accordance with them. Fewer things to remember eases a staff member’s day and keeps you compliant. 

Collect more payments, more often

While compliance with the No Surprises Act may be your primary GFE concern right now, well-executed GFEs can also boost your bottom line by bringing in more upfront collections.  

One study revealed that self-pay patients were behind 60 percent of patient bad debt in 2021. In 2018, just 11 percent of bad debt arose from self-pay accounts. With Clarity Flow’s GFEs, it’s easier for providers to collect at least a portion of self-pay patient obligation. Here’s why:

Clarity Flow’s GFEs include a link to an online portal where patients can make a deposit or pay the entire bill upfront. These letters can also contain information about payment plans and financial counseling should the patient be unable to pay immediately. When patients have options for payment, they are more likely to follow through with the healthcare they need. Clarity Flow helps you get the patients in the door while ensuring you’re not left with bad debt for the patient’s portion of the bill.

Use Clarity Flow to stay compliant

Never worry about compliance penalties and communicating patient obligations again.
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A more effective way to increase our overall collection percentage... the team's enthusiasm for tackling this was day and night over other vendors.
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MD Clarity was the only software that we found on the market that could provide the level of accuracy we were looking for.
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