rcm glossary


Query is a request for information or clarification, often made by healthcare providers or payers, to resolve discrepancies or obtain additional details related to healthcare revenue cycle management (RCM).

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What is a Query in Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management (RCM)?

In the realm of healthcare revenue cycle management (RCM), a query refers to a formal request for additional information or clarification regarding a specific healthcare claim or transaction. Queries are typically initiated by healthcare providers, billing staff, or RCM professionals to address discrepancies, errors, or missing information that may impact the reimbursement process. The purpose of a query is to ensure accurate and complete documentation, improve claim submission, and ultimately optimize revenue generation for healthcare organizations.

Queries play a crucial role in the RCM process as they help identify and rectify potential issues that could lead to claim denials, delayed payments, or even compliance violations. By proactively seeking clarification or additional information, queries contribute to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the revenue cycle, ensuring that healthcare providers receive appropriate reimbursement for the services they render.

Key Differences between Queries, Denials, and Appeals

While queries, denials, and appeals are all integral components of the healthcare revenue cycle, it is important to understand the distinctions between these terms:

1. Queries:

As mentioned earlier, queries are formal requests for additional information or clarification regarding a healthcare claim. They are initiated by healthcare providers or RCM professionals to address discrepancies, errors, or missing information. Queries are proactive measures taken to prevent potential denials or delays in reimbursement.

2. Denials:

Denials occur when a healthcare claim is rejected or not paid by an insurance company or payer. Denials can happen due to various reasons, such as incomplete or inaccurate documentation, lack of medical necessity, coding errors, or policy violations. Unlike queries, denials are reactive in nature and require further action, such as appeals, to challenge the decision and seek reimbursement.

3. Appeals:

Appeals are formal requests made by healthcare providers or RCM professionals to challenge a denied claim and request reconsideration or reversal of the decision. Appeals are typically submitted when the provider believes that the denial was unjustified or based on incorrect information. Unlike queries, appeals are reactive measures taken after a claim has been denied, aiming to rectify the situation and secure rightful reimbursement.

Examples of Queries in Healthcare RCM

To provide a clearer understanding of how queries are used in healthcare revenue cycle management, here are a few examples:

1. Query for Missing Documentation:

Suppose a healthcare provider submits a claim for a surgical procedure but fails to include the necessary operative report. In this case, the RCM team may initiate a query to request the missing documentation, ensuring that the claim is complete and can be processed without delays.

2. Query for Clarification on Diagnosis Codes:

Sometimes, healthcare claims may contain diagnosis codes that are unclear or lack specificity. In such instances, the RCM team may send a query to the provider, seeking additional details or more specific diagnosis codes to ensure accurate coding and billing.

3. Query for Verification of Insurance Coverage:

Prior to providing healthcare services, it is essential to verify a patient's insurance coverage to ensure proper reimbursement. If there is any uncertainty or discrepancy regarding the patient's insurance information, a query may be sent to the insurance company or the patient to obtain the necessary clarification.

4. Query for Medical Necessity:

Insurance companies often require proof of medical necessity for certain procedures or treatments. If the documentation provided with a claim does not sufficiently demonstrate medical necessity, a query may be initiated to request additional supporting information from the healthcare provider.

5. Query for Coding Clarification:

In cases where coding guidelines are complex or ambiguous, the RCM team may send a query to the coding professional or healthcare provider to seek clarification on the appropriate code assignment. This helps ensure accurate coding and billing, reducing the risk of claim denials or compliance issues.


In healthcare revenue cycle management, queries serve as vital tools for ensuring accurate and complete documentation, improving claim submission, and optimizing reimbursement. By proactively seeking clarification or additional information, queries help prevent claim denials, reduce payment delays, and enhance overall revenue generation for healthcare organizations. Understanding the role and significance of queries in the RCM process is essential for healthcare providers, billing staff, and RCM professionals to effectively navigate the complex landscape of healthcare reimbursement.

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