MD Clarity Platform Overview

Accelerate cash flow and identify missed revenue opportunities through underpayment detection, contract modeling, and patient cost estimates in one revenue optimization platform.

How does it work?

RevFind by MD Clarity

Detect and recover the revenue you're leaking to payers with RevFind

Aggregate your contracts, automatically identify underpayments, and determine where you can get more from payers in negotiations. View claim-level details for the most accurate analysis of your contracted reimbursements.

Clarity Flow by MD Clarity

Increase cash flow from patients while providing price transparency with Clarity Flow

Automate creation and delivery of accurate patient estimates that empower patients to pay upfront and increase your upfront collections.

See what other provider organizations say about MD Clarity

Detected $1.1 Million in Validated Underpayments

“MD Clarity has given us a way to quickly identify underpayments by payers without having to rely on our billing company, providing us the extra insight we were missing before.”

Revenue Cycle Manager

Recovered Significant Revenue from 100,000+ Yearly Visits

“I love using MD Clarity to keep the payers honest! I appreciate how easy it is to review payments from our contracted payers to make sure claims are paid based on our contract rates.”

Senior Contract Manager

Streamlined patient estimate workflow and increased upfront collections

“A more effective way to increase our overall collection percentage...MD Clarity's enthusiasm for tackling this was day and night over other vendors.”

Director of Finance

If you’re ready to...

finally get paid in full at your contracted rates with payers
model proposed payer contract changes so you can project their impact on cash flow
get the data you need to boost negotiating leverage with payers
accelerate cash flow from patients while improving patient satisfaction

...then schedule a personalized demo to see how MD Clarity can help you optimize your revenue.



MD Clarity works with these EHRs and more.