RCM software for Orthopedics

Boost patient experience and your bottom line by automating patient cost estimates, payer underpayment detection, and contract optimization in one place.

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Automated patient cost estimates for Orthopedics providers

Payer contract performance tracking for Orthopedics practices

Payer underpayment detection for Orthopedics centers

Clarity Flow Dashboard Graphic
Clarity Flow Patient Details Mockup
Clarity Flow Icon
Clarity Flow
Contract Analysis Dashboard Graphic
Underpayment Trend by Payer Graphic
Contract Analysis Icon
Contract Analytics
RevFind Dashboard Graphic
Claim Underpayment Analysis
RevFind Graphic

Automated patient cost estimates for Orthopedics providers

Clarity Flow Graphic
Project out-of-pocket costs at a high level of accuracy, giving Orthopedics patients the confidence to make up-front deposits
Autosend Good Faith Estimates via email, text, or letter, and comply with the No Surprises Act
Enable Orthopedics patients to make up-front deposits and payment plan elections online directly from their estimate

Payer contract performance tracking for Orthopedics practices

Contract Analysis Graphic
Know how your insurance contracts are performing
Compare performance across payer contracts and renegotiate terms from a position of strength
Project cash flow impacts of contract changes on your Orthopedics organization

Payer underpayment detection for Orthopedics centers

RevFind Graphic
Spot patterns of underpayment by insurance companies on Orthopedics claims
Ensure you are setting your chargemaster optimally
Assign investigations/appeals to staff and see task status, all in one place

The landscape of orthopedic practice is changing rapidly, with an increased demand for efficient and streamlined operations. One of the key tools assisting in this transformation is Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) software. With an arsenal of features geared towards improving the financial health of a practice, RCM software has proven to be an invaluable resource for orthopedic providers. In this article, we delve into the common features of RCM software for orthopedics, the multitude of benefits it brings, and its typical pricing structures.

Common Features of Revenue Cycle Management Software for Orthopedics

RCM software for orthopedics is packed with features designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of orthopedic practices. While specific offerings may vary between providers, the following are some common features you can expect to find:

Patient Registration: A critical first step in the revenue cycle, this feature allows for the collection of essential patient data, including insurance information. It's the cornerstone of establishing a comprehensive patient profile that aids in all subsequent steps of the revenue cycle.

Insurance Verification: This feature helps verify the validity of a patient’s insurance, ensuring the practice can receive payment for the services provided. Insurance verification software can also assist in determining the extent of coverage, informing both the provider and the patient of any potential out-of-pocket expenses.

Coding and Billing: RCM software often includes tools for accurate medical coding and billing. This feature not only reduces errors but also speeds up the payment process by ensuring that the correct codes are used for each procedure, thereby minimizing claim rejections.

Claims Management: This involves the submission of insurance claims, tracking their status, and managing any denials or rejections that might occur. By streamlining this process, RCM software can significantly reduce the time and effort spent on administrative tasks.

Denial Management: A crucial feature that helps manage and reduce claim denials. It provides insights into why claims are being denied, offering actionable feedback that can be used to improve future claim submissions and improve the overall reimbursement rate.

Patient Cost Estimates: This tool provides patients with accurate out-of-pocket cost estimates, increasing transparency and boosting patient confidence. It also facilitates upfront payment collection, which can significantly improve cash flow for the practice.

Payor Underpayment Detection: This feature allows practices to identify and address instances where insurance companies may have underpaid claims. By proactively addressing these issues, practices can recover lost revenue and ensure they are being fully compensated for their services.

Payment Collection: RCM software helps facilitate the collection of patient payments, including co-pays, deductibles, and any other out-of-pocket expenses. This not only improves the cash flow but also reduces the administrative burden associated with payment collection.

Reporting and Analytics: Modern RCM software often includes revenue cycle analytics functionality. These tools can provide valuable insights into the financial health of the practice, identify trends, and highlight areas for improvement. They can guide strategic decision-making, leading to an optimized and more profitable revenue cycle.

Contract Optimization: This is an advanced feature found in some RCM software. It enables practices to assess and optimize their contracts with insurance companies, ensuring they are maximizing their reimbursement rates.

Automated Compliance: Compliance with regulations such as the No Surprises Act’s Good Faith Estimate regulation is crucial. RCM software can automate this process, ensuring that your practice remains compliant and avoids potential fines or penalties.

Benefits of RCM Software for Orthopedics

The adoption of RCM software can bring a myriad of benefits to orthopedic practices. Some of these benefits include:

Efficiency: By automating various revenue cycle tasks, RCM software can significantly increase the efficiency of an orthopedic practice. This means that staff can spend less time on administrative tasks

and more time on patient care.

Increased Revenue: Through improved billing accuracy, reduced claim denials, and optimized insurance contracts, RCM software can significantly increase a practice’s revenue. Additionally, features like patient cost estimates and payor underpayment detection can ensure that your practice is not leaving any money on the table.

Improved Patient Satisfaction: Transparency in healthcare is increasingly important to patients. By providing accurate cost estimates and clear, easy-to-understand bills, RCM software can greatly improve the patient experience, leading to higher patient satisfaction and loyalty.

Reduced Administrative Burden: RCM software can automate many of the tedious administrative tasks associated with the revenue cycle, reducing the workload of your administrative staff. This allows them to focus on other important tasks, such as patient care and service improvement.

Compliance: The healthcare industry is heavily regulated, and keeping up with changing regulations can be challenging. RCM software can help ensure that your practice remains compliant with all relevant laws and regulations, reducing the risk of penalties or fines.

Data-Driven Decision Making: The analytics and reporting capabilities of RCM software can provide valuable insights into your practice. This data can be used to make informed decisions that can improve the financial health and overall performance of your practice.

Improved Cash Flow: By facilitating upfront patient payments and reducing the time it takes to collect from insurance companies, RCM software can greatly improve the cash flow of an orthopedic practice.

Better Patient Care: Ultimately, by streamlining administrative tasks and improving the financial health of the practice, RCM software allows providers to focus more on what they do best – providing excellent patient care.

RCM Software Pricing for Orthopedics

Pricing for RCM software can vary widely, depending on the features included and the size and specific needs of your practice. Some providers offer volume-based pricing, which scales based on the number of patient encounters your practice has. This model can be advantageous as it grows with your practice, ensuring that you only pay for what you need.

Another factor to consider is the number of users that will be utilizing the software. Some RCM software providers charge per user, while others, like MD Clarity, offer unlimited users with a single license. This approach can be very beneficial as it accounts for the unique requirements of your practice.

When considering the pricing of RCM software for your orthopedic practice, it's important to factor in not only the upfront costs but also the potential return on investment. The automation and efficiency gains provided by the software can result in significant cost savings and revenue enhancement over time.

Accelerate your RCM with MD Clarity

Now that you understand the immense value and potential that RCM software brings to your orthopedic practice, the next step is to see it in action. MD Clarity offers a demo that provides a detailed look at how their solution can streamline your revenue cycle management. Witness firsthand the intuitive design, comprehensive features, and user-friendly interface that make MD Clarity the preferred choice for many orthopedic practices. Get your demo to take the first step towards transforming your practice's financial health.


MD Clarity works with the tools you use to run your Orthopedics practice.

Boost your Orthopedics practice’s financial performance while providing a superior patient financial experience