Create good faith estimates with NextGen using MD Clarity

Good faith estimate software that integrates with NextGen. Automate compliance with all No Surprises Act regulations.

Good Faith Estimates Product Image
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Achieve compliance and encourage upfront collections at the same time

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Automatically send Good Faith Estimates via email, text, or letters

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Project out-of-pocket costs

Generate accurate estimates for patients that include deductibles, copays, and coinsurance.

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Unlock upfront payments

Enable patients to make upfront deposits and payment plan elections online, directly from their estimates.

Good Faith Estimates on NextGen FAQ

Does MD Clarity integrate with NextGen?

Yes, MD Clarity supports multiple customers through an active integration with NextGen.

Doesn't Nextgen support creating patient cost estimates on its own?

Yes, but Nextgen only supports self-pay patients, and with the number of clicks it takes to send an estimate through Nextgen you might as well use a spreadsheet!

Get paid in full by bringing clarity to your revenue cycle

About NextGen

Nextgen, a leading provider of healthcare technology, offers sophisticated Electronic Health Records (EHR) and practice management solutions. Their software enhances patient care and optimizes workflows, enabling healthcare organizations to operate with greater efficiency and effectiveness.

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