Denial code N147

Remark code N147 indicates a long-term care payment issue due to a missing or incorrect patient ID on the assignment request.

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What is Denial Code N147

Remark code N147 indicates that the long-term care case mix or per diem rate cannot be determined because there is an issue with the patient ID number provided on the assignment request. It may be missing, incomplete, or invalid, which needs to be corrected for proper claims processing and reimbursement.

Common Causes of RARC N147

Common causes of code N147 are incorrect or missing patient identification numbers on the assignment request, submission of incomplete documentation that fails to verify the patient's identity, or errors in the data entry process that result in an invalid patient ID number being recorded for the long term care case mix or per diem rate determination.

Ways to Mitigate Denial Code N147

Ways to mitigate code N147 include implementing a robust patient identification verification process at the point of admission or during the registration phase. Ensure that all patient ID numbers are captured accurately and completely in the electronic health record (EHR) system. Staff should be trained to double-check the patient ID details on the assignment request against the information in the EHR to confirm its completeness and validity before submission. Additionally, consider using automated verification tools that flag incomplete or incorrect patient IDs before the billing process begins. Regular audits of patient files can also help identify and rectify any recurring issues with patient ID number errors.

How to Address Denial Code N147

The steps to address code N147 involve a thorough review and verification process. First, ensure that the patient's identification number is accurately captured and recorded in the billing system. If the number is missing, obtain it from the patient's records or the appropriate department within your facility. If the number is incomplete or invalid, cross-reference it with any existing documentation, such as admission forms or the patient's insurance card, to correct any discrepancies. Once the correct patient ID number is confirmed, update the assignment request with the accurate information. After making the necessary corrections, resubmit the claim to the payer for processing. It's also advisable to implement a system of checks and balances to prevent similar errors in future billing cycles.

CARCs Associated to RARC N147

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